Click Tracking and Adobe Target

We often get asked about all things Adobe Target here at MiaProva given our Chrome Extension, participation in forums like Measure Slack or SDEC’s Education Community, or my work at Analytics Demystified.

Several people recently suggested that it would be beneficial to have videos related to the guidance and feedback. And just this week, a brand new international client at MiaProva shared how some videos I did while I was at Omniture and Adobe about Profiles helped him and his program back then quite a bit. So, I thought I would give it a go. As questions come our way, we’ll try putting together a quick video.

Click Tracking

This question comes up quite a bit. What is the best way to capture clicks with Adobe Target (or some variation of that)? The short answer is that it will vary depending on what exactly is being clicked. This video highlights a solid approach I often use with my clients, and it enables the analysis in Analytics Workspace by way of Activity Conversions.

Here is the snippet of code that used to add URL parameters to sections of links. Keep in mind, if you want to just track one, two, or a few links, it might be easier to just use the Visual Editor to customize the links.

$(function () {
    $("#YOUR_CSS_SELECTOR_FOR_SECTION a").attr('href', function (i, h) {
        return h + (h.indexOf('?') != -1 ? "&t=c" : "?t=c");

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