Adobe Target Server Side Delivery API

Adobe Target Server Side Delivery API

Adobe Target offers a few ways to leverage Adobe Target server-side. This is a video about the implementation of Adobe Target’s server-side delivery API. Traditionally, Adobe Target is installed client-side via a tag management platform, with server calls made out. In the client-side world, the visitor API service is on top, followed by the Adobe Target call and the Adobe Analytics call. The Adobe Target delivery API allows for standard HTTP requests, and Adobe also has SDKs for Node.js and Java. There are some limitations to processing cookies or redirect calls, but there are workarounds. Integrating the experience cloud is a common issue, but this can be resolved by putting the visitor ID service before the Adobe Target call. The video provides an example of a server-side call and passing parameter value pairs. Overall, this video provides a basic overview of Adobe Target’s server-side delivery API.

Links mentioned in the video and sample code:

** If you are leveraging A4T, implement the Visitor ID service before Adobe Target and pass that visitor ID to Adobe Target as you do Analytics.

content-type: application/json
cache-control: no-cache

"id": {
"tntId": "f64f23fefcd74c7384936a1be29db123.35_0"
"context": {
"channel": "web",
"browser": {
"host": "demo"
"address": {
"url": ""
"screen": {
"width": 1200,
"height": 1400
"property": {
"token": "08b62abd-c3e7-dfb2-da93-96b3aa724d81"
"execute": {
"mboxes": [
"name": "server-side",
"parameters": {
"customer": "true"
"index": 1
Video Transcript

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